Continued Suspension of All Events & Services at First Lutheran Through April 30

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

These are chaotic and trying times, the COVID-19 illness has affected God’s people across the globe. We pray for the church throughout the world.

At the recommendation of the president of the United States, the national health care professionals, and the president of our Mid-South District, Rev. Roger Paavola, that all gatherings of 10 or more people be suspended until further notice, the Board of Elders, Pastor Rockemann, and congregational president John Hofman have made the decision to suspend all in person services and social events at First Lutheran through the end of April. We will meet again on April 28th to discuss further options.

Again, we pray. Diligently. Fervently. That our good and gracious God would be merciful, bring a quick end to this pandemic, and provide healing for those affected. We also pray for continued wisdom and the strength and patience to reach out in care for one another within the Body of Christ.

In the meantime, we will continue to bring God’s Word to you all, including to our elderly members and our shut-in members. We have been successful at recording both the midweek Lenten Wednesday services as well as the Sunday Divine services and posting to the Church’s official YouTube Channel ( with links to this channel on both the church’s Webpage (
and Facebook page ( We want no one going without the peace and comfort of the Savior that He gives to us in and through His Word. We are all committed to doing everything possible to make certain that no one is left out and that, to the best of our ability, all needs during this time are met. These include physical as well as spiritual.

To that end, we urge anyone of you who might have a need for groceries, medication, a doctor’s appointment, your lawn mowed, etc. to please contact either Pastor Rockemann, Kevin Booth, or one of our other Elders. We will continue to provide their email addresses as well as their cell phone numbers. We are members one of another in this, the Body of Christ. We bear each other burdens, and we do so humbly and gladly. As Christ Jesus bears us, we bear one another.

Please let us know if you have any ideas, suggestions, or recommendations that you think would be helpful in this trying and difficult situation. No “decision” seems good. To be sure, Satan works hard among us when we are too long away from the gifts our Lord gives us in His Word and at His Table.

Please continue praying for us all, for our nation, and for the many, many people infected with this terrible virus. Pray especially for those who are most vulnerable, especially those in countries that enjoy far, far less in terms of wellness and healthcare.

So, once again, let me repeat: The Board of Elders is suspending all social activities and worship services at First through the end of April. We will keep you apprised of all related details as we try to find appropriate and safe ways to bring you the Lord’s gifts. Remember us, too, in your prayers.

During this time, we would also like to remind you that your contributions are still needed to the church. Contributions can either be mailed to the church or can be made online via the First Lutheran Church website under the “Electronic Giving” tab. ( .

The peace of the Lord be with you all.

Pastor Rockemann
Kevin Booth
Jered Sprecher
Matt Sanderson
Greg Buckner
Mark Daniels
Mike Anderson
Jon Eimmerman
Joe LaDue
John Hofman (congregational president)

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