Periodically, as published in our newsletter, we invite members and guests to a fellowship event. Examples include bowling, a concert, a biking or hiking trip, a concert, or a tasting event.
Children are encouraged to participate in the life of the congregation including sitting with their families and learning to worship according to God’s Word. We have a children’s sermon, cry room, Sunday School, VBS, and more.
Sunday School
Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 a.m. in classrooms by grade from pre-school through high school.
Monthly Events
For our Junior Youth, grades 5-8, and our Senior Youth, grades 9-12, events are announced after worship and by email, newsletter, and/or posted online.
F.A.L.L. (Fellowship Around the Lord’s Love)
A regional youth retreat for grades 7-8 every September on a Friday and Saturday at First Lutheran Camp in Soddy Daisy, Tennessee. Organized by the East Region Youth Board.
Mid-Winter Gathering
A regional youth retreat for grades 9-12 every February on a Friday evening through Sunday at 12:00 Noon in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Organized by the East Region Youth Board.
National Lutheran Youth Conference/Gathering
For senior youth (grades 9-12) every two or three years in the summertime. Organized by the National LCMS Youth Gathering (offered every 3 years) or by Higher Things (offered yearly).
55 Alive
A lunch and presentation for those who are age 55 and up. Meets the second Thursday of each month from September through May at 12:00 noon until 1:45 p.m. in the meeting room. A catered lunch is provided for $7.00 per person. Children from the school sing a song or two, birthdays and anniversaries are recognized, and then an invited speaker from the congregation or community engages or entertains us. Enter the outside door below the meeting room (closest), or the main entrance of the school or church.
A group of our members meets periodically to make quilts that are sent to Lutheran World Relief.
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is a national organization in the LCMS. LWML’s goals at First Lutheran are to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among the women of the congregation, to gather funds for mission projects, to assist in the work of our congregation, and to foster and support the program and objectives of the District and National LWML.
Evening Guild – also known as LEGS (Ladies Evening Guild in Service)
Meetings are held at 6:45 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month September through May. Meetings are announced the Sunday prior.